I admit it:  I'm mesmerized by the confirmation hearings of RFK Jr. to Secretary of Health and Human Services, a cabinet level position.  I haven't watched every minute, but I've seen enough to make some judgments.  They mesh perfectly with my own treatment at the hands of Democrats in Congress when I testified a year ago on the meat processing oligarchy.  Republicans asked probing questions.  Democrats came with prepared statements, completely disinterested in anything we four witnesses had to say. 

                  I think this defines the liberal mindset:  a total lack of curiosity.  If one thing permeates the theme of homeschooling and alternative education in America, it is an unflinching desire to stimulate curiosity.  In my dealings with the public school systems, it seems like the one thing it hampers is curiosity.

                  To be clear, I'm not a registered member of any organized party and have hewed to various sides of issues throughout my life.  I've even changed positions.  I've even said things I wish I hadn't.  I come to this process having been battered and disappointed, experienced in how devious politics can be.  I can't imagine ever running for an office, although throughout my life I've been recruited by Democrats, Republicans, Socialists, and Libertarians.  Quite a resume.

                  But what strikes me most about these RFK Jr. hearings is how NONcurious the Democrats seem about the health epidemic plaguing our culture.  The U.S. has even fallen out of the top countries on the "Happiness Index."  Since the early 1960s we've gone from 3 percent obese to 60 percent.  Food allergies, autism, auto-immune disorders and teen suicide were practically nonexistent.  Bird flu, E. coli, Salmonella, and camphylobacter were not in the lexicon and certainly not part of public discourse.

                  I disagree with some of RFK Jr.'s answers.  He said the Centers for Disease Control is important.  It's not.  He said Medicaid needed to exist.  It doesn't.  They didn't ask him about Medicare, but I would suggest it, too, should be on the chopping block. In fact, the entire HHS should go, but that's not doable yet. Two things strike me most about these hearings.  The first is how enslaved Americans have become to government programs, especially in health care.  It is a tangled web of interventions and regulations and dominates most decisions about personal health.  

                  Any indication of cuts or service boundaries receives howls of outrage.  Our country survived and was definitely much healthier prior to ANY government management or manipulation of hospitals and doctors.  I would argue that one of the biggest catalysts for the processed food industry is the lack of personal financial responsibility for health care.  Most folks don't give a care about food and nutrition because they depend on the government's system to fix them.  You cannot encourage personal responsibility with government babysitting.  

                  The second striking element is how disinterested the Democrats are in exploring any of RFK Jr.'s ideas.  I'm reminded when Teresa and I decided to homeschool our kids in 1982, long before the homeschool movement gained momentum, nearly all educators, both government and private, vilified the notion.  Newspapers carried headlines like "homeschoolers jeopardize mental health services."  The universal belief among academic elitists was that homeschooling would create massive psychiatric care from the "unsocialized" kids.  In all my conversations with these folks, I asked them "have you ever read John Holt?  Ever read Raymond and Dorothy Moore?"  Of course, they'd never heard of these folks.  We now know that it's the public school creating massive psychiatric intervention, not homeschoolers.

                  Ask any conventional chemical farmer "have you ever read Sir Albert Howard, Louis Bromfield, Ed Faulkner, J.I. Rodale, or Charles Walters?"  Of course not.  They've never heard of these names; completely oblivious and completely uncurious.

                  That these Democrat senators can't even imagine entertaining a question like "this is interesting, Bobby; I've never seen the studies or research you cite; can you tell me more?" indicates a profound fraternization with Big Pharma, Big Food, and Big Ag.  They all go hand in hand.  The Democrats have not only become the party of lawlessness and moral shock, but are now firmly in bed with the drug companies, insurance oligarchs, and sickness perpetuation.  How sad.

                  So I called both my senators yesterday, Kaine and Warner, both Democrats, to register my endorsement of RFK Jr.  It takes about 5 minutes to do both your senators.  I urge you to make time today to do that.  And yes, you should have all your elected representatives posted somewhere for quick access. 

                  What's your take on the hearings?  I'm curious.

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